Agrarian Revolution:
Peasant Radicalisation and Social Change in Bicol

Sabino Garcia Padilla Jr

Kalikasan Press 1991
A book review by Danny Yee © 1992
This short work describes the implementation and effects of the National Democratic Front (NDF) agrarian reform program in a village in Bicol, the Philippines. It begins with a description of rural society and the history of attempts at land reform throughout the Philippines. It then describes the NDF reform programme in general and goes on to discuss its implementation in the community in detail.

Garcia Padilla is clearly an NDF partisan, is unclear about his sources, and has a slightly faulty grasp of English — Agrarian Revolution is not a great scholarly work. Given the limited amount of information available about areas under New Peoples' Army control, however, it will be of interest to anyone concerned with land reform in the Philippines.

July 1992

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