Brightness Falls from the Air

James Tiptree Jr

Tom Doherty 1985
A book review by Danny Yee © 1994
Brightness Falls from the Air is the second of Tiptree's two novels. Though less intense than the short stories, it shares similar themes. Here, however, too many ideas and devices — two kinds of aliens, time travel, genocide, torture, various kinds of drugs — are deployed and too much is contrived to fit them all together. It would, however, be churlish to harp on the problems. Brightness Falls from the Air is an impressive novel, and it is only in comparison with some of the short stories that it pales a little.

November 1994

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Related reviews:
- James Tiptree Jr - Her Smoke Rose up Forever
- James Tiptree Jr - Meet Me at Infinity
- more science fiction
- books published by Tom Doherty
%T Brightness Falls from the Air
%A Tiptree Jr, James
%R Sheldon, Alice
%I Tom Doherty
%D 1985
%O paperback
%G ISBN 0312854072
%P 382pp