The Korean War

Peter Lowe

Macmillan 2000
A book review by Danny Yee © 2005
This brief high level overview of the Korean War appears to have been written as a text for British schools. Britain's role in the political machinations is overemphasized and on the few occasions where Lowe's perspective comes down to the level of the front line it is British troops that feature. It's also notable that a bibliography with over a hundred items doesn't include a single source in a language other than English.

Its limitations notwithstanding, Lowe's pamphlet makes a decent 120 page outline. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a really good general history of the Korean War: the alternatives seem to be US-centric or narrowly focused on military events.

November 2005

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Related reviews:
- books about Korea + Korean history
- books about war + military history
%T The Korean War
%A Lowe, Peter
%I Macmillan
%D 2000
%O paperback, bibliography, index
%G ISBN 0333739701
%P 136pp