What can one say about such a collection? Almost all this material is available elsewhere, but it's nice to have it all in the one volume: having to wade through printouts of manuals or HOWTOs is likely to be off-putting for the beginner, and the existing books on Unix system administration are aimed more at people running large time-sharing systems than home users.
While one can quibble about the choice of material (arguably introducing troff and TeX in an introductory book is unnecessary, and I would like to have seen a guide to the Linux file-system modeled on that in the Linux File-system Structure Standard), it is obviously based on the likely needs of the majority of users. The presentation is clear and easy to follow, and Running Linux is recommended for anyone without Unix system administration experience who is running (or wants to run) Linux. It contains enough information for a smart user to bootstrap themselves into a capable Linux user, so if you're converting a friend from DOS be sure to give them a copy! Running Linux will do much to assist the spread of Linux.
May 1995
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