Publisher index
The MIT Press
Book Reviews
- Artificial Life (Christopher Langton)
- articles from the first three issues of the journal
- Borders in Cyberspace (Brian Kahin, Charles Nesson)
Information Policy and the Global Information Infrastructure
- *Central Banking in Theory and Practice (Alan S. Blinder)
- lectures by an ex-Vice-Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board
- The Cerebral Code (William H. Calvin)
Thinking a Thought in the Mosaics of the Mind
- City Cycling (John Pucher, Ralph Buehler)
- cycling as everyday urban transport, worldwide
- **The Computational Beauty of Nature (Gary William Flake)
Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation
- *Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology (Elliott Sober)
- a mix of classic papers and more recent material
- Coordinating the Internet (Brian Kahin, James H. Keller)
- governance, domain names, and interconnection agreements
- Cyberspace: First Steps (Michael Benedikt)
- information representations and virtual reality interfaces
- Cycling for Sustainable Cities (Ralph Buehler, John Pucher)
- Darwin's Dreampond (Tijs Goldschmidt)
Drama in Lake Victoria
- Dennett's Philosophy (Don Ross, Andrew Brook, David Thompson)
A Comprehensive Assessment
- *Elbow Room (Daniel C. Dennett)
The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting
- The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul (Paul M. Churchland)
A Philosophical Journey into the Brain
- Environmental Evolution (Margulis, Matthews, Haselton)
Effects of the Origin and Evolution of Life on Planet Earth
- *The Evolution of Communication (Marc D. Hauser)
- neurobiological, ontogenetic, adaptive, and psychological approaches
- From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog (Martin Campbell-Kelly)
A History of the Software Industry
- From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure (Christine L. Borgmann)
- all about digital libraries
- HAL's Legacy (David G. Stork)
2001's Computer as Dream and Reality
- How Not to Network a Nation (Benjamin Peters)
The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet
- Ideas That Shaped Buildings (Fil Hearn)
- architectural theory from Vitruvius to deconstructivism
- Mind and Morals (Larry May, Marilyn Friedman, Andy Clark)
Essays on Ethics and Cognitive Science
- Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound (Perry R. Cook)
An Introduction to Psychoacoustics
- Noam Chomsky (Robert F. Barsky)
A Life of Dissent
- The Origins of Music (Nils L. Wallin, Björn Merker, Steven Brown)
- towards an evolutionary musicology
- The Prism of Grammar (Tom Roeper)
How Child Language Illuminates Humanism
- Privacy on the Line (Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau)
The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption
- Public Access to the Internet (Brian Kahin, James Keller)
- Scholarly Publishing (Robin P. Peek, Gregory B. Newby)
The Electronic Frontier
- Ships and Science (Larrie D. Ferreiro)
The Birth of Naval Architecture in the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1800
- *The Simple Science of Flight (Henk Tennekes)
From Insects to Jumbo Jets
- Species (Robert A. Wilson)
New Interdisciplinary Papers
- Tower of Babel (Robert T. Pennock)
The Evidence Against the New Creationism
- **A Vast Machine (Paul N. Edwards)
Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming
- Wild Borneo (Nick Garbutt, J. Cede Prudente)
The wildlife and scenery of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan