
John Napier

Princeton University Press 1983
A book review by Danny Yee © 1993 https://dannyreviews.com/
what would we do without them?

Hands is a really great little book. The first part describes the structure, function and evolution of the human hand. The second part deals briefly with some of the social and cultural aspects of hands: the origins of tool use and handedness, fingerprints, and the role of gesture in communication. All of this is informed by comparison with the non-human primates.

While it does go into some anatomical and primatological detail, Hands assumes no prior knowledge of either field. It is likely to be of great interest to anyone to whom hands are of particular importance, from magicians and musicians to victims of RSI and designers of tools. It should also appeal to anyone curious about their own limbs; even as I type this I am looking at what my hands and fingers are doing in a new light. Hands is highly recommended.

December 1993

External links:
- buy from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk
Related reviews:
- more human biology
- books published by Princeton University Press
%T Hands
%A Napier, John
%I Princeton University Press
%D 1983
%O paperback, bibliography, index, b&w illustrations
%G ISBN 0691025479
%P 180pp